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Love me, Take me, Betray me, Leave me

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Mot de passe oublié ?

Run away, fly away

--> give me a thing, or a mind
Such a lonely and his mind...

Like a lovely puppet, I'm playing my role. I see my fucking angel's face in the mirror, and I spit on it. Cause now, I hate myself, my mind, and my voice.
I believe that I will be able to go far away, and say "fuck" to my friends, my parents, my past.
But I think that I can not, and it's a sad true.

I said that I'm sick, but in reality, it's only my spirit which is broken. I'm okey, but I'm mad. But, er...I'm crazy about mine broken mind...

And this broken part of my mind, I hate so much this fucking people who take my heart and let me die...
Er... Hated ?

Now, I'm just tired. But I'm courageous, so it's okey, I can get up and dominate the world.

Cut the veins to lacerate, cut the veins to evacuate, cut the veins to dominate
Er...Benighted, probably...

I'm not sure, about me, about my songs, about my moral.

That's all for today, people...

(Ca, c'est juste pour voir si Ju' va s'en sortir =)...Ui, je suis sadique)
Ecrit par Titiotte goth, le Mercredi 11 Février 2009, 21:45 dans la rubrique "Pensées".

Commentaires :

à 00:40

Hum Hum

(Euh moi sincèrement AU SECOURS !!!!! :( Même après avoir compris le plus gros !!!! et le pire pire ca va être de répondre -_- je vais essayer o pire j`ai le dico et une nouvelle séance d`anglais en perceptive je le sent

I will not ask to you to change, 
I just want you give me a place in your life, where you want ... 

I will not ask to you to lift your eyes on the sky, 
but never be down, never escape ...

I will ask to you nothing in change in the " calme", the cold of the morning, just to take my hand and "te laisser emporter" with me ...

I will give to you and for you, again every day a lot of me so forget ...

( Je sais c'est horrible, Je me mords les doigts à l'idées de la note sur 20??? %( la bulle?)